Travel Remedies


Whether road tripping, flying, or going by boat there are some great remedies for travel and some you should not leave home without. Having these remedies can help keep your family safe and comfortable during all kinds of acute issues you might encounter while away from home. Here are my top remedies I recommend when traveling.



Fear of flying (see Arg Nit & Gelsemium too), panic attacks. Sudden onset of any inflammatory issue (colds, flu, fever etc.). Nipping colds in the bud.

Keynotes: thirsty for cold drinks, worse around midnight, symptoms after cold or cold wind.



Sunburn (see Cantharis too), allergic reactions (swelling, hives, rashes), bee stings & bug bites.

Keynotes: Redness, swelling (edema), burning type of pains, restlessness, thirstlessness, better from cold applications. Worse from heat and around 4-6pm.



Shock, trauma, bruises, injury, bleeding, jet lag, physical exhaustion, feeling sore and achy. Reduces bruising, swelling and pain in injuries.


Arsenicum Album

Food poisoning, traveler’s diarrhea, anxiety, indigestion, insomnia, colds & coughs.

Keynotes: restlessness, thirty for small sips, burning pains, chilly, worse midnight-3am.



Sunburn, sunstroke, fevers, headaches, infections, heatstroke, sore throat.

Keynotes: sudden onset, inflamed, red, hot, throbbing pains, dilated pupils, thirstlessness (except may crave lemonade), worse around 3pm.


Carbo Veg

Collapse, fainting, shock, “the corpse reviver”, bloating, indigestion, excess trapped gas, altitude sickness, poor oxygenation, air hunger, wants fresh air/fanning.



Travel/motion sickness (see Petroleum & Tabacum too), nausea, lack of sleep, jet lag, dizziness, weakness. Worse from the smell or sight of food. Better lying down.



Tick bites, insect bites, puncture wounds, black eye. Has anti-tetanus properties.


Nux Vomica

Overindulgence or any kind, junk food, sugar, alcohol (great remedy for hangovers), indigestion, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, colds. Can be sensitive to noise, light, smells, drafts.


Combo Remedies


ABC Remedy – Combo of Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla. For anything that comes on suddenly, especially during the night. Fevers, sore throat, earache, teething, colic. Great remedy to have if traveling with kids.


Stress Blend – A combo of Aconite, Argentum Nitricum & Arsenicum Album. Great for any types of acute stress including the stress that often comes with travel.


Sleep Blend – for acute insomnia which often happens when travelling and sleeping in new places or at different times than normal.


A kit like this one has almost all of these remedies (minus Cocculus), in a compact handy case and a little booklet inside. I never leave home without it.


Also, I like to take calendula cream for cuts, sunburn and calming irritated skin, prevents infection, soothes, and heals the skin.


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